Cloud CISO Perspectives: Prepare early for PQC to be resilient against tomorrow’s cryptographic threats
Updated: 2025-02-28 17:00:00
: Security Identity Cloud CISO Perspectives Prepare early for PQC to be resilient against tomorrowâ s cryptographic threats March 1, 2025 Phil Venables VP , TI Security CISO , Google Cloud Christiane Peters Security Architect , Office of the CISO , Google Cloud Hear monthly from our Cloud CISO in your inbox Get the latest on security from Cloud CISO Phil . Venables Subscribe Welcome to the second Cloud CISO Perspectives for February 2025. Today , Christiane Peters from our Office of the CISO explains why post-quantum cryptography may seem like the futureâ s problem , but it will soon be ours if IT doesnâ t move faster to prepare for it . Hereâ s what you need to know about how to get your post-quantum cryptography plans . started As with all Cloud CISO Perspectives , the contents of